Monday, April 6, 2009

The Power Within.

Each of us is striving to find purpose in this life. We all want happiness and peace. Each day we must face new challenges, triumphs, joys, and pains. Whether we are being given happiness or facing challenges, it is how we handle each situation that is important. In my own life I feel that I have been given many blessings and good examples to follow that lead me towards a sense of self worth and lasting happiness. A healthy lifestyle is more then just taking care of our physical bodies. It is taking care of our mental and emotional natures as well. I would like to share 5 tips that I have received over the course of my life that have helped me to recognize my own self worth and be happier despite what is going on in the world around me.

1.) We must first recognize our divine worth. We are not here by chance. We all came from God and we will all return to God one day. It is important that we remember that we are special. That we are children of a loving Heavenly Father and that He wants us to be happy. It is our choice what we will be and what we will do in this life.

2.) We must be constant. In a world that it is ever changing it is only those who are consistent and steadfast that accomplish what they want to. It is easy to get discouraged and want to give up but we must not falter. If we do falter or struggle we must get back up and try again.

3.) Surround yourself with good people. Who or what we surround ourselves with is who or what we will be come. If we our surrounded by negativity we will develop negativity; likewise, if we surround ourselves with positivity and those that lift us up and help us to be better then we will achieve great things.

4.) Love and serve all who you meet. Amy Carmichael once said, "You can give without loving, but you cannot love without giving." My favorite scripture from the Bible is Jude 1:22 "And, of some have compassion making a difference." We can all make a difference every day by the way we treat others.

5.) Be a person of Integrity. “I hope that I shall always possess firmness and virtue enough to maintain what I consider to be the most enviable of all titles, the character of an honest man.” (George Washington) Our integrity is one of the greatest gifts we posses. It is easy to be led away into false security to think that it is okay to lie a little or take advantage of someone else. These are false ideas and will only lead to unhappiness in the end.
As we strive to recognize and put in practice these five tips I promise that we will live longer, healthier and more fulfilling lives.


  1. Thanks for these 5 tips. I really enjoyed this post! These are definitely things that I believe can help me to be healthier and happier too.

  2. You motivated me, and I cannot wait to not only eat healthy and exercise but also to follow the 5 tips so that I can achieve health in all aspects of my life.

  3. Wow, what an inspirational clip from Glenn Beck. It reminds me of a speech former NC State basketball coach Jim Valvano gave at the ESPY Awards back in 1993, shortly before succumbing to cancer. The main message given was, "Don't give up, don't ever give up."
