1. What is Organic Food and is it better for you?
2. Buying in bulk or single servings?
Coming from a family of 10 I have spent a fair share of my life waiting in lines at Costco and Sam's club. Even now as a single college student I find myself still drawn to these bulk buys in hope of getting more for my money. From talking to both singles like myself and those with families the best advice i have been given is to do both. Buying in bulk has been seen as more Eco-friendly and can save money, and fewer trips to the store. On the other hand buying single servings allows you to not worry about wasting leftovers, over spending, or eating.
3. Store Brands versus Name Brands?
Store brands and name brands for the most part provide the same quality of product. Much of peoples like or dislike for either one stem from habits and childhood memories of growing up on one or the other. I have personally found that by buying store brands on many regularly purchased items such as canned goods and cereals that I have been able to save money each month without lacking in quality or taste. In the end it comes down to your personal preference and your budget.
Vitamin supplements are advertised in abundance at grocery stores, pharmacies, in magazines, TV ads, and even at medical facilities. Most healthcare experts state along with the website nutrition.gov that: "First and foremost, nutritional needs should be met by eating a variety of foods as outlined in the Dietary Guidelines for Americans. In some cases, vitamin/mineral supplements or fortified foods may be useful for providing nutrients that may otherwise be eaten in less than recommended amounts. If you are already eating the recommended amount of a nutrient, you may not get any further health benefit from taking a supplement. In some cases, supplements and fortified foods may actually cause you to exceed safe levels of intake of nutrients." Most people should consult a doctor or reliable health care professional so, as not to put themselves or their families at risk. Even herbal supplements should be carefully monitored.
5. How do I know if I'm getting enough nutrients and do I need vitamin supplements?
Many people wonder, myself included, if they are getting the correct amount of daily nutrients. Mypryamid.gov provides an excellence resource for finding out which foods provide the needed nutrients, and how much of each serving we actually need. As mentioned above most vitamins should come from the foods we eat.
6. Can food taste good and still be healthy?
7. How can I tell if the information I am finding on websites is valid or not?
With so much information available with just a click of a mouse it can be hard to know what is a reliable site. Some tips are to look for are sites containing the HON symbol. The

Also look for sites ending in .gov or .org before going to .com websites. .Websites ending in .org and .gov are done through the government or non profit organizations and are intended for promoting health, whereas, many .com websites are trying to sell products.
8. Do my finances affect my health?
Yes they do. It is important that we organize ourselves, create a financial plan, and beware of excess spending that can lead to considerable debt and strain on relationships and are own health. Elizabeth Scott, M.S., states that financial problems can lead to :Unhealthy Coping Behaviors, Less Money For Self-Care, lost sleep, and unhealthy emotions.
9. Dose using coupons and checking sales adds really save me money or just waste my time?
Clipping coupons and pouring over sales ads was a weekly event in my house growing up. In today's fast paced world many wonder if clipping a coupon to save an extra thirty cents or driving to three different stores to get the best deals really is worth the hassle. In researching I found pros and cons. Eric Tyson author of personal Finance for Dummies said “people may buy products they wouldn’t normally buy, which are overpriced to begin with,” however it also stated that "Of course, coupons are useful when they save you money on what you’re already planning to buy." "Clipping coupons may not be your idea of fun, but it can mean saving hundreds of dollars on things that you use each and every year."
10. What are the benefits of regular exercise?
Research has shown that regular physical activity helps to promote a happier and healthier lifestyle. The American Heart Association states: "Regular aerobic physical activity increases your fitness level and capacity for exercise. It also plays a role in both primary and secondary prevention of cardiovascular disease. Physical inactivity is a major risk factor for heart disease and stroke and is linked to cardiovascular mortality." Healthy Discovery.net also reminds us of the importance of regular exercise: The benefits of any exercise program will diminish if it's disrupted too frequently. A "stop-start" routine is not only ineffective, but can cause injuries. Being consistent with exercise, therefore, is probably the most important factor in achieving desired results.
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